速報APP / 醫療 / Surgical Oncology

Surgical Oncology





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Indextra AB Brunnsgatan 9 P.O. box 7304, SE-103 90 Stockholm Sweden

Surgical Oncology(圖1)-速報App

This Oxford University Press app-book, Surgical Oncology, is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand using Medhands patented technology.

Functions include:

• A powerful search

Surgical Oncology(圖2)-速報App

• Bookmarks, History and Highlighting

• Complete set of medical calculators; Body Mass Index, Peak Expiratory Flows, Dehydration Correction Calculator and more

• Notes and picture notes

Surgical Oncology(圖3)-速報App

About this title

How should surgeons deal with cancer patients? The cornerstone of effective treatment is a multidisciplinary collaboration between many specialties in which surgeons are not only concerned about operative accessibility and technique but rather have a deep understanding of the fundamental biology of the malignancy they are dealing with and appreciate the reach of multi-modal treatment.

This handbook is a practical reference for today's surgeons who actively manage cancer patients in both the acute and out-patient setting. It covers all the key areas, from initial presentation and diagnosis, investigation and staging, to active discussion in collaborative multidisciplinary cancer network meetings, operative management, post-operative care, and long term surveillance and palliation. Drawing together all the varied guidelines and source materials that form the basis of this complex subject, it is the first surgical oncology text that provides instant access to detailed clinical algorithms and operative techniques covering the wide range of cancers that general surgeons encounter, from GI tract to breast and endocrine cancers. Consistently sourced from current evidence based guidelines with a concise summary of underlying pathology and molecular biology, Surgical Oncology will enable the reader to knowledgably manage cancer patients from initial assessment to long term surveillance. It is an essential accompaniment for all higher surgical trainees from MRCS to the exit FRCS and EBSQ exams, and will be particularly useful for trainees rotating between surgical specialties, as well as having wide appeal to other members of the multidisciplinary team.

Surgical Oncology(圖4)-速報App

Authors: M Asif Chaudry and Marc Christopher Winslet


MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without edition upgrade. Offering most trusted and well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers like Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Pharmaceutical Press, Wiley, Elsevier and more.

Surgical Oncology(圖5)-速報App